Monday, October 21, 2013

Settlement Funds

Michael Bottle
Mishkeegogamang First Nation
P0V 2H0

Monday, October 21, 2013.

To the Community members of Mishkeegogamang,

The newest update on the settlement is that as of Friday, October 18, Justice Gans has signed the dismissal papers for the funds to be released to the First Nation.
The case needed to be dismissed before the transfer of the funds could be released to the First Nation.

As of today there hasn't been any decision made about the settlement funds, how they will be utilized and how much the payout to the membership will be.  The draft that was on facebook was something that was produced by the account and was to be discussed which it hasn't.  Majority of the funds will be put into trust which will be administered by trustees that will need to meet the criteria identified in the trust.

I thank you for your patience and I would like to stress that the time it took to get the funds was out of our hands and was in control of the presiding judge.